4 Common Communication Challenges


Effective communication plays a major role in managing an organization. When people talk clearly about things, policies, work, etc. Many misunderstanding gets cleared. Additionally, there is no scope for loss in productivity, unhealthy employee and employer relationship, and an increase in attrition rate. 

Many employees leave an organization because of their unhealthy relationship with their managers and upper-level management. 

However, after the outbreak of the Pandemic, things changed drastically. Now communication has become a major challenge. 

Though it was a challenge earlier due to the lockdowns imposed by governments of different countries, this problem became more of a rationale behind why companies will shut down and incur losses. No formal communication is equal to no work done! 

Common challenges to communication: 

  • Nature of an individual: One of the prime challenges in the world of formal and informal communication is the behavior of an individual you are working with because you have to converse with that person regularly. 

There are people who are shy and introverted. It becomes a major barrier for those people to talk to the extroverts, and even if they have doubt or a question to be answered, they will hesitate to ask the same. 

For Instance, one of my best friends is an introvert. She doesn’t communicate much, and even in college, she used to ask very few questions. Thus, this affected her productivity. 

But during the Pandemic, when everything was shifting from offline to online. The classes were scheduled on zoom, and it wasn’t a mandate to switch on the camera or speak. During those times, she told me that she was more comfortable in the online environment and was able to put up the queries. Thus, increasing her productivity. 

  • Breaking the ice in the conversation: Well, if I put it in simple words breaking the ice means how you start communicating with that person. 

So, there are three types of individuals in this category: 

  1. People who cannot start communication by themselves. 

  2. People who are great ice breakers. 

  3. People who cannot start the communication, but once the communication has started, they can continue it very well. 

  With the emergence of video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Google meet, Teams, the problem of starting off the conversation got solved because now everything went virtual. 

Employees were sitting in their comfort space and working. They do not have to bear the unnecessary expense of traveling. Thus, savings increased. So, the people who weren’t liked to communicate much also started communicating and solving minor issues that prevailed during their work hours with their managers. 

Furthermore, there was an improvement in the relationship between employees and employers or managers.  

  • Slow Feedback: When you conduct meetings in a workplace with 15 or even 20 people, you really have minimum time to collect feedback from all. Thus, manual work slows the process. That is the reason many problems remain unsolved, because of the fact that they never reach the top-level management or your supervisors. 

The video conferencing platforms were the game-changer when it came to receiving feedback from employees, students or anyone who wanted to give feedback. The personalized chat box that is added to the video platform helped people communicate without the need to show their faces. Additionally, the feature to send direct messages to someone was a much-needed upgrade in the video conferencing industry. Now, a person can directly send a message while a meeting is going on to the host without the knowledge of other colleagues. 

An improvement in the feedback delivery system makes the task much easier for the manager. They can conduct the meeting while reading the feedbacks side by side given by employees without any disturbance.  

Psychology Today quotes, “Acting on the feedback we gather, adjusting our behaviors, attitudes and perceptions in the workplace is the primary differentiator between those who rise quickly through an organization and those who seem to be stuck.”  

  • Onboarding new employees: It is always an exciting experience for a company to onboard new employees. However, it involves a lot of manual work that has to be done. 

But since the last few months, you might have been hearing this term: Remote onboarding. Remote onboarding is the process of taking employees onboard using virtual tools like Slack, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.  

When you don’t have to manually keep a count of people joining the company, it becomes a hassle-free job, and everything is done automatically by the video conferencing platforms. You just have to check the participants list and write down the names of the participants who aren’t present. 

So, yes! It is as easy as it sounds. Video conferencing platforms have truly made an impact during the Pandemic. 

Why CallXP? 

  • CallXP video conferencing platform can be your best choice for effective communication. 

  • On CallXP you can use the whiteboard and camera side by side. Additionally, if you want to display any other material like presentations, you can do that too without turning off your camera. 

  • An additional point is employees can also access the whiteboard if allowed by the host. 

  • CallXP offers automatic recording of your meetings, sessions, etc. 


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